3 picks this week #2

A bit of motivation

Don't worry I won't get into a 3720-word blog post on how to get motivated.

In two days it's the end of the confinement in France. I stumbled upon this picture on Reddit. It's good to remind ourselves that whatever we think of doing, we just need to start. Everything else is an excuse.

Beautiful music to listen while working

Do you like melodic, classical music? Here's a beautiful instrumental song that mixes classical, irish folk, and video game genres. Perfect for working or chilling. If you like this style, check out Celestial Aeon Project on Spotify.

WordPress is overrated

A couple weeks ago I started playing with Grav. This very website is made with it. December 2020 update: Not anymore. This website is now powered by Ghost.

It's a small CMS I enjoy because it relies on flat files rather than a database. So it's simple to install and use. And it's fast.

The two features that sold me:

  • You can write your posts in Markdown.
  • It's not completely just files. It still has a plugin ecosystem. There's an underlying base in PHP and Twig. So if you know how to code with these languages, it's perfect. And since I have 10 years of experience in Symfony development (which happen to use PHP and Twig), you can understand why I chose it.
Grav - A Modern Flat-File CMS
My Grav Site