On creativity MoC

Rebuke restraints, embrace constraints.

Creativity requires to move from the beaten path, to ignore the dogma. Too few options will hinder your creativity. But too much options, too much freedom will burden you as you'll be paralyzed with infinite choices.
Too much freedom is paralyzing. Paradoxically, rules, constraints, they enable us to get started learning, and make progress, by limiting the possibilities and preventing us from feeling overwhelmed.

Good constraints make the activity more enjoyable

Bad constraints make the activity daunting or boring. But good constraints make it challenging.
The right kind of constraints enhance the activity, adding challenge, and imbuing fun into it. Just like any good game. What kind of game is a completely open, no-rules, free to do anything game? Boring at best. It's not really a game. What stage of the game are you at? How do you know you're doing good? That you're improving? Without constraints you don't get any feedback. Everything worth pursuing has obstacles.
That’s why, usually, coaches and mentors lead us the right way by setting up limits for us to deal with when we start learning.

The best games, and sports, all have rules that you have to follow, but by doing so, they make the game interesting. They bring the challenge, spark, and zest to it. Without constraints, there's no thrill, no creativity, no fun. They give you a yardstick to know where you're at, how you're doing. They enable you to get feedback and know when you're improving, or even that you're winning.

Rather then trying to lift constraints, embrace them.

For instance, it might be a good idea to limit the time you spend working. Throwing more hours probably isn't the solution.