Overthinking kills momentum

Overthinking often leads to both running in circles, and complicating things more than necessary. If you lack motivation, and can't seem to get started to do anything, it's likely that you're Overthinking. Remember that There is a time for thinking and a time for doing.

I asked once a good friend of mine who's run multiple successful ventures, what was his secret. His answer:

"I am stupid, I don't think too much before doing things and do stuff that people think of as stupid. I crashed often, but a few times I ended up finding something working that others couldn't because they thought it wasn't worth pursuing."

The human mind loves to come with plenty of reasons as to why we shouldn't bother doing things in the first place. Maybe out of fear, in search of security and comfort. But the thing is that we talk ourselves out of action all the time. We want to be 100% sure what we're about to do is going to work out. So we think. We analyze. We research. But we never really go out there, expose ourselves on the field, taking real action.

Overthinking is the opposite of Act fast, then take the time to reflect. It's one of the Things we do backwards.
Overthinking takes reality and makes it more and more abstract. The longer you think, the more abstract things become. Yet, We do concrete things.

All overthinking does is making us complicate things for no valid reason, and Complexity cancels motivation.