On creativity MoC • Thinking for yourself MoC
Skip the algorithm
Maybe at the beginning of internet, up until 2005, it made sense to browse stuff randomly and haphazardly, because content was scarce and that was better for serendipity.
But nowadays the internet is so saturated with noise, overwhelming and flooding with content. Plus there are algorithms—that weren't there back then—to provide you with content similar to what you've started browsing.
So if you let yourself browse mindlessly, you'll be enclosed by algorithms, fed the same repetitive stuff, which kills all serendipity and genuine discovery. Consuming news feeds, walls, and all content suggested by algorithms might be weakening your brain's ability to focus, capacity for attention, and critical thought.
Paradoxically, the overabundance of content makes you less likely to discover what really matters, important things or new things that might pique your curiosity and diversify your interests and knowledge. Which incidentally, hinders chances of lucky breaks, breakthrough events, discovering one's passions.