You cannot iterate in a vacuum
Life is creativity, creativity is growth, and growth is iteration. You can't iterate in a vacuum.
Constraints with a system
Constraints breed creativity. This is why you must have a system, that is a clear plan, rules, parameters, and a deadline. Be concrete and specific.
Then it's time for execution. If you don't execute your plan and follow your rules, you have nothing to measure failure or success.
Review and revise
Once you executed, whether you failed or succeeded, you have to review and revise your system. If you don't revise your system, no iteration is possible. It's a constant process, it's either growth or death.
If the experiment was a failure, review immediately to find out why it failed. First, was it a failure in implementation, and if so, why? Revise accordingly. If the failure was in the outcome, remember that most outcomes are not in your control. The failure is then not in the outcome, but in your plan's expectations. Again, revise accordingly, i.e. revise your plan's expectation.
If the experiment was a success, you may space out the reviewing phase, but you must still review your processes from time to time, to keep growing, see if you can improve still.